When 811 Doesn't Suffice
Private Utility Locating is a service provided by SoftDig® that is called for in situations where “811 One Call” mark-outs will not fully identify all utilities on a site. This is often the case on private property, large industrial facilities, university campuses, or construction sites. Private Utility Locating is requested by contractors prior to excavation, drillers prior to boring deep excavations, and facility managers prior to making improvements on their sites and various other situations.
Detecting Variations and Providing Reliable Data
Most utilities are not laying underground in nice, straight lines. Instead, service requirements and geophysical properties cause various alterations in the course of an underground utility. Some adjustments might be as little as a foot, or they can be drastic changes in direction. The experienced analysts and field technicians of SoftDig® can detect the wide array of variations that may be discovered in the field and provide clients with reliable data.
The dependable underground utility locating service provided by SoftDig® allows clients to avoid inevitable property damage, construction delays, injuries, environmental degradation, utility service interruptions, and business disruption. With over three decades of Private Utility Locating experience, SoftDig® field analysts and technicians have a proven track record of consistently providing the high quality data required to prevent complications that can lead to project scope deviations.
Private Utility Locating is only different from Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) designation in terms of the strict quality control and reporting required when working on utility engineering and design projects. SoftDig® necessitates strict quality control on all projects regardless of label. Rest assured, with SoftDig® you’re only receiving the highest quality field designations and data reporting.